The Art of Haiku, Senryū and Photography

The Art of Haiku, Senryū and Photography Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry that stresses that the author be frugal and very selective in word choice.  Traditionally western Haiku and Senryū consist of 3 lines of poetry made of syllabic counts of 5, 7, and 5.  Traditional Japanese Haiku requires the use of a Kireji and a Kigo to be considered true to the form.  Kireji is a form of verbalized punctuation and since I don’t speak Japanese googling WAV’s and videos resulted nothing, you’re out of luck for an example here and there is no equivalent in other …

Brian Sorrelle 1961 – 2013

When I was a young boy my Grandfather gave me, what turned out to be, very valuable information. “Son, you can tell a lot about a man by his handshake.” When I first met Brian Sorrelle, he extended his hand, looked me right in the eye, and gave me a firm and solid handshake.  Of course that was followed by “Hey Bud” in his very deep and resounding voice.  I had already met Andrea and to be quite honest, they were visually quite different. Brian being so tall, and Andrea being so petite. Brian’s aforementioned deep voice and Andrea’s songbird …

3 Years of our Suns Evolution in 3 Minutes

It’s hard to contemplate all the things that had to go right for life to evolve on earth.  It’s also difficult for the average joe to comprehend how old our Sun is, and how long it’s got left.  It’s fun to think of the enormous amount of energy expended by the sun in a human’s lifetime…and then compare that lifetime to that of our Sun. So much energy being expended.  I’m glad we’re harnessing it as much as we can. [youtube=] How much energy do you use and how much do you expend?  Are those two values proportional? According to NASA Astronomer …

Right or Privilege? – Searching for Smarter Gun Control

Gun control is a touchy subject. Weapons in the United States are here to stay.  I love to target shoot, with the smell of the gunpowder, the fun in zeroing in on the bull’s eye, and the crack in the air when I pull the trigger.  There’s also something very powerful about a gun and I dig controlling that power.  I would say it’s a “guy thing,” but the increasing number of women weapon owners could dispel that notion. Unfortunately, guns also kill people.  In fact, they were originally designed as a weapon specifically to kill humans.  Yes, there IS hunting, but …