Lowell Folk Festival 2014

Sun, Sweat, and Music at the Lowell Folk Festival There are only a few times in life when standing in the sun, sweat dripping from my could be considered fun.  Today was one of those days!  Today is the second day of the Lowell Folk Festival and I got there right when things kicked off.  It’s nice because there is a large section of downtown completely roped off for pedestrians only so it’s easy to get to all the stages. I wanted to take my time and just look for compositions I liked, meandering around looking for things that caught my eye.  There were …

“Mind Your Manners” by Pearl Jam – from Lightning Bolt (New Album!!!)

Anyone who knows me knows that Pearl Jam is my favorite band so I’m freaking out right now. Listen to the song first and we’ll chat about it below. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhODYyZVL6Y&w=853&h=480] Firstly, let me say the song was amazing.  It’s something that would fit into “No Code” effortlessly…It’s divine. Frenetically paced from the start with the scalar guitar rifting in and out like a bucking bronco just released from the gate this song delivers! I can see McCready’s head bouncing as I listen to him rip up his guitar.  Pearl Jam’s efforts have always been expertly produced, and if this track …

How Genesis Saved My Life

Three Sides Live.  This cassette tape kept me sane in 1981-82. I was a troubled and angry young man at the time.  My stepfather was being transferred so the whole family was moving to Italy lock, stock and barrel.  We packed up quickly and rented out the house, got on a plane and left. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lma_tl7j9Fw] It was tough being in a completely new place and not being able to speak the language.  It’s funny how the absence of something, in this case language, increases your appetite for it.  We were thrilled to discovered that the local university played English/American movies for their …

The weekend is almost upon us.

Sometimes I dread the weekends, but not this weekend. I get to spend some time with my sweetie and I think I’d like to do something exciting and fun. Not exactly sure what that will be but I’m sure it’ll be fun. I’d like to do something that I can take photos of because I never usually take photos. I’ve definitely got to work out today because I didn’t get to yesterday. Ok, well, that’s not necessarily true…I didn’t feel up to it and I was pretty tired physically. Generally it’s NOT ok to skip those sessions but I had …

Holy High Note Batman!

My Piano is READY!!! I’m so freaking excited I can’t contain myself…it’s been over a month without it!!!! Without it I’ve a little wonky. I’ve been busy at work converting guitar tabs to chords, breaking down songs and writing a TON in the last few weeks in anticipation of getting it back and now I actually get to HEAR the songs I’ve written and hope the sound like they should. I’m heading down after work because I can’t wait until Saturday. I’m picturing this slow motion scene of me and my piano running to hug each other in a field …

Little Cranky Today.

  I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning… I’m in a bad mood and I’m glad about it. Fuck everything and everyone that’s causing me irritation. Gary Oldman is awesomely scary in this movie. and my piano is still not ready!   Rage against the Machine – American Eyes Pearl Jam – Lukin Pearl Jam – State of Love and Trust The Cult – Firewoman Rage against the Machine – Bulls on Parade The Beatles – Golden Slumbers

Homework for the week…Patience.

I’m an incredibly impatient person. I want what I want when and how I want it. While I can get lot’s of things “on demand” there are lot’s of things that are NOT on demand. I guess it’s ultimately good that some things aren’t “on demand” because then the might lose their allure, so whatever. Patience is something I definitely need to work on. More Later Pearl Jam – Lukin x2

Autobiographical Soundtracks

I always associate music with the years or events in my life. Music has the ability to make me different people within myself. It makes evident to me all the pieces of me inside my head. It goes beyond simple recollection of events and speaks more to the feelings I had at that point in my life. I can remember the exact feeling I had as a 6 year old, watching Vietnam footage on television when I hear “Billy don’t be a hero” by Paperlace. I’m back in as a 13 year in Italy when I hear the Dire Straits …

How to save a life.

Been working on some music tonight, which has been a trip.  It’s been months since I’ve played anything and I’m getting ready to get my piano back.  I was plodding out chords on my crappy acoustic guitar that has a bad E string.  Memorizing chord progressions for songs I want to learn, messing with the drums a bit…just a lot of fun.  I even pulled out my setlists and went through the music just remembering how songs go.  It’ll be interesting to see how dexterous I am and how long it’ll take me to limber up.  I’m not sure if …