So much for continuity…

Well, I thought I was going to be using this thing on a daily basis…little did I know that life would get in the way! That girl I spoke of earlier turned out to be little more than a floosey. She was attempting to flirt with me to get cheap repairs done on her computer. Oh well. I got my Pearl Jam tickets today. It’s weird because they aren’t supposed to be on sale yet, but when I checked the ticketmaster website they were in fact on sale. So…I could not find two seats next to each other except ones …

Perhaps a new face in my life?

A curious thing happened to me this morning. A woman, who had come in before, had come into my shop and had a few questions. I answered her questions in short order and it seemed like she had something else on her mind. I happened to be playing piano when she walked in and she asked me to play some more. Well…I am no spring chicken but I can tell when something is awry. She made a point to give me her phone number and asked me to teach her the song I was playing. Cool…whatever. She’s about my age …

The infamous “first entry”

Good Morning! I have a few friends that have a nice little blog and they use this software so I figured I would try it out. Not that my daily life is particularly interesting but hey, why not? First let’s start out with introductions! I am Eric (aka Mookie) and I am a partner in a small Computer repair/service/mod/networking/etc… shop in Ma. I am an avid gamer, cook, nerd, and whatever else I think is cool at the moment. My first PC was actually not a PC but a TRS-80 model 1 that I used to write text based adventure …