What Rachel Bilson and I have in common.

It’s Sunday morning here, my jammies are still on, my feel are up and I’m relaxing flipping through the channels looking for coverage of the games today. Unfortunately, Miss Bilson isn’t here with me in her jammies. OMG that would get my mind of off smoking. The urge to smoke is overwhelming at times, now is one of those times. I know I’m not going to break but…it’s just difficult. I’m here if any hotties want to get my mind off of smoking by wearing PJ’s!

Maybe I’ll be fine..

6th day of not smoking and all is well. Cravings have been minimal today, but it’s only 11am. Today if Friday, which is awesome and we’ve got a 3 day week thanks in part to Martin Luther King Jr. We usually go out to lunch on Friday’s but everyone is talking about ordering Pizza and watching “Office Space.” Don’t get me wrong, it’s a funny movie but how many times can you see a movie before it stops being funny? I’d rather be home doing something constructive like playing video games. =P I’ll be posting my week in review in …

Iron Man

I’m anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Iron Man movie scheduled for release in May. It’s been talked about for a long, long time and I’m hoping it lives up to the hype. Jon Favreau is directing and Robert Downey Jr. is starring as Tony Stark. The trailer looks awesome, but don’t all trailers look awesome? The choice of Downey is a risky one and one that didn’t seem right to me when I first heard the news. He’s not as dashing or action oriented as one might feel the role needs, but he’s got acting chops out the whazoo …


I’m still not smoking which is awesome. This is my 5th day and I’m doing better I think. The market on lifesavers here at work has officially been cornered. I was driving into work today, craving a cigarette and realized it had been 5 days. I first discounted it and thought “5 days is nothing in the grand scheme.” Then after thinking about it…5 days is pretty significant and it’s been tough. I know I don’t want to go through that again so it helps when I get cravings. Isn’t there a line in that song about “you’ve got your …

4th Day and I’m still alive.

It seems like a month, but I’m still not smoking after 4 days. I’ve gone through about 4 packs of lifesavers but fortunately they’re less expensive and not as bad for you as Cigs. I can’t go back now. If I start smoking again I’ll have to go through these first few days again…and I don’t want to do that. I’m keeping up the fight. Surprisingly no one from work has noticed yet. I, however, have noticed my mouth is much less dry and doesn’t have a bad taste as usual. Not sure if that’s the lack of Cigarettes or …

I’m coping well.

Holy Crap…I want to kill someone to get rid of these cravings. AARGH!!!! I can’t wait to get home and relax, sitting here at work is driving me nuts. I’m craving and can’t do anything about except suck on LifeSavers!!!!! MiH

So, I’m trying again.

I’ve stopped smoking for the 3rd time in my life. It’s only the second day and I’m ready to kill someone for a smoke. I know these first two weeks are the toughest and I’m doing my best to get through this period. I’ve decided to NOT tell my co-workers, none of whom smoke, just because I want to see if they’ll notice that I’m not disappearing for 5 minutes at a time every hour. I’m using the patch, which worked for me before, to help take the edge off. I’m starting to notice some odd smells, which occasionally makes …

More snow…

Yet another 15 inches of snow fell today. We have had quite a bit of snow this winter so far so this is unwelcomed precipitation. Mother Nature enjoys playing games with us. For the last week it’s been unseasonably warm in the 60’s and most of the snow had melted. The Winter blues are here for another couple of months and then we’ll be back into Spring again. ALL HAIL SPRING!!! MiH

The Second Season starts tonight…

Tonight the 16-0 Patriots square off against the 11-5 Jacksonville Jaguars. It will take a solid night of Defense to move towards the 4th Championship but it’s certainly expected that the Patriots won’t have too much of a problem scoring enough points to render the two headed dragon of Jones-Drew and Fred Taylor. I’m still a firm believer of the old “any given Sunday” adage so both team better come prepared to play 60 minutes of Football. The Patriots have made a point of emphasizing a full 60 minutes of play and striving to make plays regardless of the score. …